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September 1958
Journal: France Observateur September 1958
Journal Number/Issue: 438
Number of Signes: 4300
September 1958
Journal: Radio Cinéma Télévision September 1958
Journal Number/Issue: 454
Number of Signes: 1400
Notes: à propos de L'âme en peine, adaptation TV, Jean-Jacques Bernard mise en scène, Georges Folgoas
September 1958
Directors Cited: Folgoas Georges
Journal: Radio Cinéma Télévision September 1958
Journal Number/Issue: 454
Number of Signes: 1200
Notes: à propos d'une émission de télévision, cité : Thévenot Jean
October 1958
Directors Cited: Capra Frank*Mankiewicz Joseph L.
Films Analyzed: Médecin de Stalingrad (Le), Arzt von Stalingrad (Der), Radvanyi Geza, 1958
Films Quoted: Etrange désir de monsieur Bard (L'), Radvanyi Geza, 1954
Journal: Cahiers du Cinéma October 1958
Journal Number/Issue: 88
Number of Signes: 1300
October 1958
Films Analyzed: Gorille vous salue bien (Le), Borderie Bernard, 1958
Journal: Cahiers du Cinéma October 1958
Journal Number/Issue: 88
Number of Signes: 1400
October 1958
Films Analyzed: Goddess (The), Cromwelle John, 1958
Films Quoted: 10, rue Frederick, Ten North Frederick, Dunne Philipp, 1958*Monty,?*Nuit des maris (La), Bachelors Party, Mann Delbert, 1957*Boulevard du crépuscule, Sunset Boulevard, Wilder Billy, 1950*Grand couteau (Le), Big Knife, Aldrich Robert, 1955* Une étoile est née, A Star is Born, Wellman William A., 1937*Comtesse aux pieds nus (La), Barefoot Contessa (The), Mankiewicz Joseph L., 1954*Abe Lincoln en Illinois, Abe Lincoln in Illinois, Cromwell John, 1940
Journal: Cahiers du Cinéma October 1958
Journal Number/Issue: 88
Number of Signes: 10000
October 1958
Directors Cited: Delannoy Jean
Films Quoted: MacBeth, MacBeth, Welles Orson, 1948*Rose noire (La), Black Rose (The), Hattaway Henry, 1950*Dollar Dance, Mac Laren Norman, 1943
Journal: Cahiers du Cinéma October 1958
Journal Number/Issue: 88
Number of Signes: 15000
October 1958
Directors Cited: Griffith DW
Films Analyzed: 10, rue Frederick, Ten North Frederick, Dunne Philip, 1958
Films Quoted: Homme au complet gris (L'), Man in the Gray Flannel Suit (The), Johnson Nunnally, 1956*Plaisirs de l'enfer (Les), Peyton Place, Robson Mark, 1957
Journal: Cahiers du Cinéma October 1958
Journal Number/Issue: 88
Number of Signes: 6400
October 1958
Films Analyzed: Sentiers de la gloire (Les), Paths of glory, Kubrick Stanley,1958
Films Quoted: Tant qu'il y aura des hommes, From Here to Eternity, Zinnemann Fred, 1953*Attaque, Attack, Aldrich Robert, 1956*Ultime razzia (L'), Killing (the), Kubrick Stanley, 1956*Croix de bois, Bernard Raymond, 1931, Truffaut Francois
Journal: Esprit October 1958
Journal Number/Issue: 266
Number of Signes: 11500
October 1958
Films Quoted: Atalante (L'), Vigo Jean, 1933.34*Corde (La), Rope (The), Hitchcock Alfred, 1948*Inconnu du Nord Express (L'), Strangers On a Train, Hitchcock Alfred, 1949*Loi du silence (La), I Confess, Hitchcock Alfred, 1953*Amants du Capricorne (Les), Under capricorn, Hitchcock Alfred, 1949
Journal: Esprit October 1958
Journal Number/Issue: 266
Number of Signes: 3100